간단 정보

[Voodoo Feathers]

[Bring the Voodoo Feathers from the trolls in the Sunken Temple to the Fallen Hero of the Horde.]
황색 부두 깃털 (2)
청색 부두 깃털 (2)
녹색 부두 깃털 (2)


[Your honor has brought some peace to me. It is only right that I offer you something in return.

My weapons and armor were splendid in life, and yet they are of no use to me now. They would be better served in your possession.

Travel to the sunken temple and destroy the troll guardians Gasher, Mijan, Zolo, Hukku, Zul'lor, and Loro. They carry magic feathers that can reform my physical body long enough to grant you a reward.]


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다음과 같은 것들을 받습니다:
맹위의 면갑 다이아몬드 물통
서슬강철 어깨보호구


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(82107))

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